The Key Principles Of Loading For Youth Baseball Players

How to Teach Youth Baseball to Load

One of the key principles of hitting for youth baseball players is learning how to load. This simply means getting into the proper starting position before the pitcher throws the ball. Proper loading allows the hitter to generate maximum power and achieve peak performance.

There are a few key concepts that must be understood in order to properly teach youth baseball players how to load. First, it is important to understand that there is no one perfect way to load. Each hitter will have his or her own unique way of getting into the proper starting position. It is important to experiment and find what works best for each individual player.

Second, it is important to understand that proper loading starts long before the pitcher even throws the ball. In order to be in the correct position when the ball is released, hitters need to start their loading process early. This means getting into their stance, squaring up their shoulders, and taking their stride early in the pitcher’s delivery. By starting the loading process early, hitters will be in prime position to drive the ball when they make contact.

Third, it is important to keep weight back during the loading process. This means that hitters should not shift their weight forward onto their front foot until they are ready to swing. If weight is shifted too early, it will be difficult for hitters to generate maximum power and they will likely hit weak ground balls or pop-ups. By keeping weight back, hitters will be able load their hips and generate much more power when they swing.

Fourth, it is important for hitters to stay relaxed during the loading process. If hitters get tense, they will likely swing too hard and lose accuracy. Swinging too hard often results in hitting weak fly balls or popupstothe infielders behind second base. By staying relaxed, hitters can better control their bodies and make sure they swing at the right time with just enough force.

Finally, it is important for coaches to provide positive reinforcement during batting practice and games. If a hitter makes a good load and hits a line drive or home run, be sure to praise him or her for a job well done! Conversely, if a hitter gets out of his or her load and hits a weak ground ball or popupsto shortstop, gently remind him or her of the importance of proper loading before each pitch

The Key Principles Of Loading

Loading is a key principle in baseball that often gets overlooked. Many youth coaches do not teach their players how to load correctly, which can lead to bad habits and inefficiencies in their swing. If you are a youth coach, or have youth players, it is important to understand the key principles of loading. This article will cover the three key principles of loading and how you can teach them to your youth players.

The Mental Side

It is imperative that baseball players, especially youth players, understand the key principles of loading. Loading is the process of transferring your weight from your back foot to your front foot in order to generate maximum power. When done correctly, it allows you to drive the ball with more authority. However, if not executed properly, it can severely limit your ability to make solid contact.

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There are three main components to loading:

1) Proper weight transfer: This is the most important aspect of loading. In order to generate maximum power, you must shift your weight from your back foot to your front foot in a controlled manner. If you simply drop your weight on your front foot, you will lose all of your momentum and will be unable to drive the ball with any authority.

2) Balance: Once you have transferred your weight onto your front foot, it is important to maintain a good balance. If you are off-balance, you will not be able to swing the bat with any power or accuracy.

3) Timing: The timing of your swing is also critical. If you swinging too early or too late, you will again lose all of your power and accuracy. The key is to start your swing as you are transferring your weight onto your front foot. This will allow you to generate maximum power and make solid contact with the ball.

These are the three key principles of loading that all baseball players, especially youth players, must understand in order to be successful hitters.

The Physical Side

There are a few key principles of loading that all youth baseball players should learn. First, the player should start in a balanced stance, with his feet about shoulder-width apart and his weight evenly distributed. He should then shift his weight to his back foot, coiling his hips and upper body like a spring. As he does this, he should bring his hands back to hip level, keeping them just inside his knees. At the same time, he should raise his front knee so that it’s pointing toward the pitcher. This will help him generate power as he swings. Finally, he should keep his head still and focus on the pitcher’s release point.

The Technical Side

The first principle is weight transfer. As a hitter strides into the hitting zone, his weight should shift from his back (right) foot to his front (left) foot. This should happen smoothly and under control. The hitter should feel like he “sits” into his back side as his weight transfers. This is often referred to as loading.

The second principle is hip rotation. As the weight transfers from the back foot to the front foot, the hips should start to rotate. The rotation of the hips will help generate bat speed and power. The hands should also start to move forward as the weight transfers and the hips start to rotate.

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The third principle is stride length. The stride should be controlled and not too long. A long stride will often cause a hitter to lose balance and control of their weight transfer and hip rotation. A good rule of thumb is that the stride should be about 80% of the height of the hitter (e.g., if a hitter is 6 feet tall, their stride would be about 4 1/2 feet).

The fourth principle is bat path. The bat should start on an upward swing as soon as the weight has transferred and the hips have begun to rotate. The hands should be moving forward as well. The bat path should be slightly inside-out if you are trying to hit for power to the pull side (i.e., hit a home run to left field). If you are trying to hit for average, your bat path can be more direct to the ball (i.e., hit for line drives up the middle or to right field).

The fifth and final principle is follow through. After contact is made, your front (left) arm should continue toward center field while your rear (right) arm begins its journey toward right field in what baseball people call “the chicken wing.” This will ensure that your body stays in balance and allows you to put more force into your swing, which translates into more power


To sum up, these are the key principles of loading for youth baseball players:

-Start with the feet shoulder-width apart, weight balanced over the center of the foot.

-The player should bend at the hips and knees, lowering his center of gravity.

-The hands should be kept close to the body, with the bat held in the fingers (not the palms).

-As the player starts his swing, he should shift his weight from his back foot to his front foot, coiling his body like a spring.

-At the moment of impact, the player’s weight should be fully transferred to his front leg, with his hips and shoulders squared to the pitcher.